samedi 8 octobre 2011

Different Types of Birds

There could be nothing more pleasant than waking up in the morning to the sounds of the sweet chirping of the birds. Their delicate sounds seem like music to me. Although I can never follow what they try to convey, the one thing that can be clearly inferred is that they are always hungry first thing in the morning! Having a bird table has given me tremendous pleasure of having visitors throughout the morning period. Sometimes, apart from the occasional common species, I am fortunate enough to have the not-so-social varieties gracing my food platter laid out for the birds. The beautiful sounds they use to communicate can sometimes be a hilarious experience as well, with the variations they provide. Witnessing the different types of birds that I have come across, I often wondered how many such species may have existed in reality, some which are extinct or on their way to extinction. Therefore, I have compiled a list of different types of birds that include the common varieties and the rare types of birds as well.

Different Types of Birds

The avocet bird belongs to three different species. This bird is found in North and South America, Europe and even Australia. This long legged bird has webbed feet and an upturned bill.

Eastern Bluebirds
These types of birds are around 6 ½ inches in length. Such birds are found mainly in gardens and orchards with the arrival of spring. Male eastern bluebirds are bright blue on the upper half and have a white belly. Female eastern bluebirds have a grayish head with shades of blue as well.

Catbirds are known to imitate the sounds of other birds. This bird is gray in color and has a shade of chestnut, just under its tail.

These are smaller than pigeons and are long tailed in their appearance. Doves are found throughout the world and these birds are also a symbol of romance as well as peace.

Bald Eagle
The bald eagle is found in marshes and near coastlines. These have very large and broad wings with a broad tail. The head and tail are white in color, which is the major distinguishable factor of the bald eagle. The long hooked bill is yellow in color.

These pink-bodied types of birds with a unique beak are generally found in large colonies. These occur in many African countries, areas of Florida and one particular type of species are found only in the Andean highlands.

Geese are medium to large in size and can be domesticated easily. There are many species of the same. Most of these kinds are migratory. This bird is vegetarian by nature therefore not a favorite when it comes to farmers trying to protect their crops.

Herons have a slight resemblance to different types of birds such as the storks, spoonbills etc. These are also known as egrets or bitterns. Such birds are generally found near wetlands. These feed on aquatic life.

The kingfishers are also one of the most beautiful birds that I have ever seen. These are found in the woodland areas as well as wetlands. They are superb divers when it comes to catching fish in the rivers. Their pointed bills are what help them bag the catch. Kingfishers have superb eyesight whether they are in air or under water.

This bird is considered to be a thief because it is known to steal young birds away from the nests. Such is the reputation of the magpie that it turned out to be the main culprit in the popular Tintin series, The Castafiore Emerald. There are many species of the same. These birds are self reliant from their young age when it comes to hunting for their food.

These nocturnal birds hunt in the night for insects, mammals and even other birds. There are many varieties of owls and many of these are found all over except for regions of Antarctica and remote islands. The unique feature of owls is that it can rotate its head in any direction.

Penguins are found in the Southern hemisphere. The Emperor Penguin is the largest of these species. These are aquatic birds and flightless and there a few species that are found in the temperate zone as well.

The Peafowl includes two species of birds. The male is called the peacock and the female, a peahen. In India, the peacock enjoys the position of a national bird and is most admired for its attractive tail, which is displayed during the courtship period.

Quails belong to the pheasant family. These are medium sized birds and feed mainly on seeds and insects as well.

Roadrunners are generally found in the deserts of Southwestern United States, Central America and Mexico. Such kinds of birds feed largely on insects and lead either a solitary life or in pairs.

Sparrows are plump and tiny birds that have powerful beaks. These include seeds and insects in their diet.

Toucans have a very colorful and large bill, which is the most distinguishing factor of these birds. These are brightly colored, flamboyant birds. These types of birds eat fruits but can also include insects in their diet as well. Such birds are non migratory and nest in tree holes.

Vultures are easily distinguished because of their bald head and brown bodies. These are scavengers and generally kill only the wounded or sick animals.

The woodpecker probably got its name because of the tapping sound it creates when it pecks on the tree trunks. This method is used as means of communication as well as to find insects in the tree trunk.

These are just a few types of birds that I have compiled in this piece. There are many beautiful and attractive birds one can see in nature apart from these. Birds are better off in their natural surrounding, so if you think you can have it as a pet, you need to think again! Birds would prefer to have their own freedom rather being cooped up in a cage. Observe and enjoy their presence but at a distance!
Last Updated: 9/20/2011

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