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samedi 8 octobre 2011

Carrier Pigeon

The system of exchanging messages with the help of pigeon is called pigeon post. During World War I, carrier pigeons were nothing less than couriers adopted by both sides. Though other means of communication had developed in the World War II, pigeons were still preferred for passing information. With this brief history, let's try to learn more...

Top 10 Amazing Facts About Ravens

In there stepped a stately raven of the saintly days of yore; Not the least obeisance made he; not a minute stopped or stayed he; But, with mien of lord or lady, perched above my chamber door Perched upon a bust of Pallas just above my chamber door Perched, and sat, and nothing more. - The Raven by Edgar Allen Poe Messenger of doom, ominous bird...

Tips on Raising Quails

Quails are small sized terrestrial birds that originated from the Phasianidae family. These medium sized birds comprise numerous species of which some of them are bred and raised on a large scale. Depending on the quail species, they differ in their appearance, which gives the breeder a variety to choose from. These little plump birds have become...

Facts About the Wedge-tailed Eagle

The wedge-tailed (Aquila audax) eagle is native to Australia and commonly known as the Eaglehawk. These huge birds of prey are spread throughout Australia and even in Southern New Guinea. The name of the bird is derived from the shape of its tail. This bird has a heavy body and a wide wing span that enables it to glide swiftly in the sky at...

House Sparrow Facts

House Sparrow is a tiny bird found roaming around in our neighborhood. It is scientifically known as Passer domesticus. It is found to exist at every place where humans have a living. There are a very few places where House Sparrows have no existence. It is very sociable and linked to human establishments in a great way and is found in large...

Different Types of Birds

There could be nothing more pleasant than waking up in the morning to the sounds of the sweet chirping of the birds. Their delicate sounds seem like music to me. Although I can never follow what they try to convey, the one thing that can be clearly inferred is that they are always hungry first thing in the morning! Having a bird table has given...

Types of Birds

Birds are generally recognized as the feathered, flying members of the animal kingdom, situated in the class Aves. The world's ten thousand bird species typically get organized into approximately thirty different orders. Approximately nine hundred year round and migratory bird species live in the United States. They generally fits into eighteen different...

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